"inPOWERING families to find solutions in their relationships, finances, health, and spiritual wholeness at The Center of inPOWERmeant!"

Any amount helps us achieve our goals:

No amount is too small or large. Your contributions assist in our mission to transform the lives of families in transition. For amounts over $10,000.00, please call direct at 818-584-2513 or email us at info@COINPM.or


Here is a glimpse at some of our programs and services:



Bridge Builder Bronze:

 $100 - $499

Lapel pin, Quarterly Newsletter, Partner listing, 1 - Workshop Ticket for the year of donation (to be used by the donor or as a gift)

Bridge Builder Silver:

$501 - $2500

Lapel pin, COINPM Mug, Quarterly Newsletter, VIP Access to one annual event per year, Partner listing, (1) Workshop Ticket for the year of donation (to be used by the donor or as a gift)

Bridge Builder Gold:

$2501 - $9999.99

5-Lapel pin, 5-COINPM Mug, Quarterly, Newsletter, Partner listing, 5-Workshop Tickets in the year of donation, 2-VIP Access to one Annual Signature Event, Partner Recognition on all related event marketing and advertising (print and digital), 1- Booth at Annual Signature Event of Choice.

Bridge Builder Platinum:

$10,000 or more

10-Lapel pin, 10-COINPM Mug, Quarterly Newsletter, 10-Workshop Tickets in the year of donation, 10-VIP Access to one annual event per year, 1-table for Annual VIP Dinner, Partner Recognition on all related event marketing and advertising (print and digital), 1 - Booth at Annual Signature Event of Choice

Bridge builder