iRiS Jones
My passion is to see families transforms the trajectory of their lives. Living beyond survival and restoring health, stability, and love in daily living. I have over 30 years of community service. For more information on iRiS.
Francine Spencer
I am a giver by nature and I am honored to be apart of an organization that is transforming the lives of families. My 19 plus years of professional experience in finance, accounting, and community service has prepared me for this innovative endeavor
LaShon Hawthorne
There is no greater pleasure than knowing your labor of love is transforming lives. I have over 20 plus years in community service. As Director of one of the largest non profit organizations in Houston TX, and Las Vegas NV. I’m honored to build bridges of hope and solutions with Center of inPOWERmeant Inc. 501c3
Dr. Gae Goodwin E d . D , M H R M , P H R , S H R M -CP
Director of Programs and Curriculum Development
Dr. Goodwin affectionally known as Dr. GG says, “With over 20 years of professional and nonprofit history, leading international, regional, and local HR functions and mastery in engaging communication and setting best practice for internal talent acquisition, retention, and training and development programs. I am committed to meeting high-expectations, and developing programs that inspire and change the trajectory of families in need.
Board Members not pictured
Lola Nix
Liliu Aulai
Open Positions: (For more information on below positions please email your inquiry here)
Director of Financial Resources and Investments
Director of Housing and land acquisition
Director of Advisement and Counseling